
I’m Luca Bolognese. I work for Microsoft on .NET Core, Azure Labs and Azure DevTest Labs.

More recently, I was a Director for Credit Suisse in London from 2010 to 2016. In the 10 years before that, I was the Principal Group Program Manager for the C#, VB and F# languages, compilers and IDEs. Even before that, I was the LINQ guy.  And before before that, I was the ObjectSpaces guy.

In my spare time, I read a lot of books retaining very little. I also try to keep some form of physical shape by playing sports and walking in Alicante.

One thought on “About

  1. Hey Luca , greetings from Greece
    Are you ok? The last blog post is one year old. I hope you are doing ok in London.
    Maybe you are very busy with your new work.
    I hope hearing from you soon.
    Alex Ilatzis
    c# developer

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