Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours in F# – Part I

Hi, I’m back. I’ve finally sorted out the guidelines for blogging in Credit Suisse.

Here is something I have been playing around with in the spare time between one meeting and the next one.  It is a Scheme interpreter that includes a REPL window. The full code is here.

All the smarts for it come from this Wiki Book. I just ported the code to F# (and modified it a bit). I thought the comparison might be interesting, so here we go. Thanks to Tobias and Jose for reviewing the code, find one bug and suggest improvements.

Before we start looking at the real code, here is what we are trying to accomplish in form of test cases. If you are a bit rusty on LISP syntax, you might want to try and see if you understand what it does.

Our goal is to make all this XUnit test cases pass. Each of the lists below contains the Scheme statement and the result to display in the REPL window.

open Xunit
open Lisp.Repl
open Lisp.Parser
open Lisp.SymbolTable

let eval env = evalString env >> showVal
let initEnv () = primitiveBindings () |> loadStdLib

let test tests =
    let env = initEnv ()
    tests |> List.iter (fun (expr, result) -> Assert.Equal(result, eval env expr))

let simpleEval() = 
    let tests = [
        "(+ 2 2)", "4"
        "(+ 2 (- 4 1))", "5"
        "(- (+ 4 6 3) 3 5 2)", "3"
    test tests

let errorCheck() =
    let tests = [
         "(+ 2 \"two\")", "\"Invalid type: expected number, found \"two\"\""
         "(+ 2)", "\"Expected 2 args; found values 2\""
         "(what? 2)", "\"Getting an unbound variable: what?\""
    test tests

let moreEval() =
    let tests = [
         "(< 2 3)", "#t"
         "(> 2 3)", "#f"
         "(>= 3 3)", "#t"
         "(string=? \"test\" \"test\")", "#t"
         "(string=? \"abcd\" \"dsft\")", "#f"
         "(if (> 2 3) \"no\" \"yes\")", "\"yes\""
         "(if (= 3 3) (+ 2 3 (- 5 1)) \"unequal\")", "9"
         "(cdr '(a simple test))", "(simple test)"
         "(car (cdr '(a simple test)))", "simple"
         "(car '((this is) a test))", "(this is)"
         "(cons '(this is) 'test)", "((this is) . test)"
         "(cons '(this is) '())", "((this is))"
         "(eqv? 1 3)", "#f"
         "(eqv? 3 3)", "#t"
         "(eqv? 'atom 'atom)", "#t"
    test tests
let assignement() =
    let tests = [
        "(define x 3)", "3"
        "(+ x 2)", "5"
        "(+ y 2)", "\"Getting an unbound variable: y\""
        "(define y 5)", "5"
        "(+ x (- y 2))", "6"
        "(define str \"A string\")", "\"A string\""
        "(< str \"The string\")", "\"Invalid type: expected number, found \"A string\"\""
        "(string<? str \"The string\")", "#t"
    test tests

let closure() =
    let tests = [
        "(define (f x y) (+ x y))", "(lambda (\"x\" \"y\") ...)"
        "(f 1 2)", "3"
        "(f 1 2 3)", "\"Expected 2 args; found values 1 2 3\""
        "(define (factorial x) (if (= x 1) 1 (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))", "(lambda (\"x\") ...)"
        "(factorial 10)", "3628800"
        "(define (counter inc) (lambda (x) (set! inc (+ x inc)) inc))", "(lambda (\"inc\") ...)"
        "(define my-count (counter 5))", "(lambda (\"x\") ...)"
        "(my-count 3)", "8"
        "(my-count 6)", "14"
        "(my-count 5)", "19"
    test tests

let predefinedFunctions() =
    let tests = [
        "(map (curry + 2) '(1 2 3 4))", "(3 4 5 6)"
        "(filter even? '(1 2 3 4))", "(2 4)"
    test tests

let varargsCountCheck() =
    let tests = [
        "(define (sum x y . lst) (fold + (* x y) lst))", "(lambda (\"x\" \"y\" . lst) ...)"
        "(sum 1 2 3)", "5"
        "(sum 1 1 1)", "2"
        "(sum 1 2)", "2"
        "(sum 1)", "\"Expected 2 args; found values 1\""
    test tests

10 thoughts on “Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours in F# – Part I

  1. welcome back! :)

    there’s one thing I didn’t get in the code

    let eval env =…

    then using it: eval env expr

    I can see you’re passing expr, but I can’t see how you’re receiving it and using it, could you explain how that works?


  2. Can anybody shed some light on why I get this build error : “The namespace ‘OperatorPrecedenceParser’ is not defined”.. I tried downloading and building fparsec but got the very same result. tias, gary

    1. Problem solved – I needed to use v8 of fparsec. All tests now run (and pass). Can I humbly suggest the appropriate fparsec dlls be included in the distro to avoid others having to pfaff about like I did. Thanks.

      1. Sorry Gary, I’m always afraid of adding dlls to zip files because of copyright/license reasons. I’ll add a comment to the download page.

  3. Luca, I’m glad you’re back! Your blog posts in the past have always been very interesting and insightful. I look forward to more wisdom from you. :0

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